Monday, June 4, 2012

     Grey clouds are blowing in from the Western sea, this morning, in spite of the approaching summer solstice.  I feel the electricity of the storm bearing down, gathering its might before its trek across the Sierra mountains.  Today is a good day to launch a blog. 
     And you found me!  Congratulations.  Welcome to Mel's Ink, my digital dwelling.  May you find my posts intriguing, dear reader, and may we embark on this sometimes fantastical, but always engaging journey together.  What a fine instrument of literacy this is, one in which you, the reader, may collaborate in the creation of this ambient space along with the author. 
     And you may be asking yourself, "What is this blog about, anyway?"
     Is it a daily life blog?  In passing.
     Is it a writing blog?  Virtually. 
     Will it include gardening?  I might be persuaded to dig into it. 
     How about knitting and needlework?  A stitch here, a stitch there.
     And music?  When my "harp" is in it.
     Let me guess, parenting?  Maternally yours.

     The sea of Communicatiania is wide open and a cyber-electric gale is a-blowing.  Join me on this digital journey and we will find out together just what might interest us.

     Oh, and one more thing, the frequency of the posts?  Best to check in weekly, for now.


  1. So, this is where you can write something back. Click on the "Comments" link below the blog post.

  2. congrats, dear, and a wise decision to do this, I think.
    The internet LOVES cats!
