Monday, September 21, 2015

A Peek at a Mermaid from the Carnival of the Animals

Illustration Friday's website definitely keeps me occupied, but this time I had a finished illustration, or at least, a detail from a finished illustration, ready to go.  This week's prompt from this popular art-participation website is "Mermaid".  I also started a series this week, on this blog, of illustrations for The Carnival of the Animals, an orchestral piece by Camille Saint-Saens.  This mermaid detail image is from one of these illustrations, yet to be unveiled.  I am posting one per week on this blog and on my YouTube channel, Creative Magic.  Check out the video, I'll include the link below.
   I know the classical music aficionados out there are scratching their heads and wondering, "What's a mermaid doing in the Carnival of the Animals?"  Well, this is a detail crop from one of the illustrations for this delightful, musical romp through the animal kingdom and you'll just have to hang in there patiently, until I reveal the larger picture.  And even then, you may say, "This is a travesty!".  But that makes things fun, doesn't it?
  So, have a gander at a mermaid and her platypus friend.  (Hey, now, don't start complaining about the platypus not being in the Carnival.  Keep an open mind, please.  This is art, not science, after all.  And don't even get me started on quantum physics.)

           Oh, and now I've got a new "minisode" about this up on my YouTube channel.
                                                You can check it out HERE.

                                         Melani Grube's Creative Magic: Carnival of the Animals

Go ahead.  Complain in the comments.  I can take it.  (Hee hee.)

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