You knew it had to happen, didn't you? A selfie, right here. But it's different. It's all part of the plan.
Yes, I've been noticing that the more I illustrate, the more the physical world, the actual tactile environment around me changes. I start to see the usual stuff and places all around me with a different light coming from them, different colors, kind of like the color of potential.
It makes sense, though, if you think about it. We have the physical world we can touch. We have the mental world we can think and plan and analyze and organize. We have the dream world we can imagine.
When we draw, paint, illustrate from the core, from our unconscious, we take an idea from the dream world and bring it into the physical world. Now it exists in both worlds. We changed our physical world.
Okay, I could keep going, but let's just sit with that for a while. And here's an illustrated likeness of me. Yeah. There are major changes going on here.